Collecting real-world data on the management of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)

The purpose of PROMETCO is to provide real-world data on overall survival, treatment patterns, associated effectiveness and safety, and impact on patients with mCRC throughout the continuum of care1


CRC is a major public health burden2,3

  • 1.85 million new cases in 2018
  • 881,000 deaths in 2018
  • <10% survival rate in patients with stage IV CRC

Latest news

Final recruitment numbers




Investigational sites

96 recruiting


Patients enrolled

ARG: Argentina, AUT: Austria, BEL: Belgium, CHE: Switzerland, CZE: Czech Republic, DEU: Germany, ESP: Spain, FRA: France, GRE: Greece, HRV: Croatia, HUN: Hungary, IRL: Ireland, ITA: Italy, NLD: Netherlands, PRT: Portugal, SVN: Slovenia, SWE: Sweden, UK: United Kingdom

Local publications

PROMETCO gives the opportunity to provide local information on outcomes. Read the latest publications from some of our participating countries:

Upcoming congresses

The Servier team will be attending the following congresses:

Come and meet the team to discuss any questions you have about PROMETCO.


PROMETCO rationale

Advances in treatment of mCRC in the past 15 years have improved patient survival to ~30 months based on data from RCTs4

Data from prospective real-world studies are lacking

PROMETCO aims to address this gap

PROMETCO study objectives

Study objectives are to describe the following for mCRC patients in a real-world setting:

Overall survival

Treatment patterns for mCRC throughout the continuum of care

Effectiveness/safety of treatments in a real-world setting

Reasons for therapy discontinuations and choice of subsequent treatment

Adherence to national and ESMO guidelines

Healthcare resource utilization

Patient-reported outcomes


Rapid Reference Leaflet